
Refraction (Eye Power Test)

1. What Is a Refraction Test ?

  • A refraction test determines your eye’s prescription for glasses or contact lenses.

  • It measures how light bends (refracts) as it passes through the eye.

  • Essential for diagnosing refractive errors like myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.

2. What To Expect During Your Refraction Test ?

  • Eye exam begins with a discussion about vision and health history.

  • You'll look through lenses, adjusting based on feedback to find the clearest vision.

  • The test is painless and typically lasts about 10–20 minutes.

3. Process of Refraction

  • Use of a retinoscope for initial assessment of refractive power

  • Trial lenses or phoropter used to switch lenses until optimal vision is achieved.

4. Benefits of Refraction

  • Provides accurate prescriptions for improved vision.

  • Helps prevent eye strain and related headaches by improving focus.

FAQs About Refraction

  • How often should I get a refraction test ?
    We recommend annual eye check up.

  • Is there a best time for a refraction test ?
    Not really, refraction test can be done anytime of a day, but we would probably recommend to come in when you are feeling fine (not when you are feeling sick).

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